Do you also copy/paste on google when you need to write your capital letters with accents? There are however much simpler methods, but which require a little memory. In French, accents have an orthographic value, it is absolutely necessary to put them in order to write correctly. In this article, we’ll analyze the different keyboard shortcuts for you to put accents on your uppercase letters.
We invite you to do CTRL + F to find what you are looking for! There are several methods, this one is easier to perform, but requires a little more memory.
- ALT + 128: Ç (ç capital cedilla)
- ALT + 144: É (uppercase acute accent)
- ALT + 212: È (è capital letter with grave accent)
- Alt + 0202: Ê (capital e with circumflex accent)
- Alt + 0203: Ë (uppercase umlaut accent)
- ALT + 0140: Œ (uppercase oe pasted)
- Alt + 0217: Ù (u capital letter with grave accent)
- ALT 0192: À (a capital letter with grave accent)
- Alt + 0194: Â (a capital letter with circumflex)
- Alt + 0196 Ä (a umlaut uppercase accent)
- Alt + 0206: Î (capital i with circumflex accent)
- Alt + 0207 Ï (uppercase umlaut accent)
- Alt + 0212: Ô (capital o with circumflex accent)
- Alt + 0214: Ö (uppercase umlaut accent)
- ALT + 0140: Œ (uppercase oe pasted)
- Alt + 0217: Ù (u capital letter with grave accent)
This second method of capitalizing with the accent on the keyboard is more intuitive and responds to logic.
The principle is simple, your keyboard is equipped with keys to writing numbers at the top. On these same keys are available letters, symbols, accents (example, on the key “7” are also present “è” and the grave accent).
If you want to add a grave accent to a capital letter, just do CTRL + ALT + 7 to equip the acute accent, then SHIFT + THE LETTER OF YOUR CHOICE! For example :
- Ctrl + Alt + 7 then Shift + E : È (capital e with grave accent)
- Ctrl + Alt + 7 then Shift + A : À (a uppercase grave accent)
If you want to add an acute accent to a capital letter, just do CTRL + 4 to equip the acute accent, then SHIFT + THE LETTER OF YOUR CHOICE! For example :
- Ctrl + 4 then Shift + E: É (uppercase e with acute accent)
- Ctrl +, then Shift + C : Ç (c capital cedilla)
These shortcuts are available for all accents! Your “2” key is equipped with the “egne”, the Spanish accent. You understand, to write it, you have to do CTRL + ALT + 2, then SHIFT + DESIRED LETTER.
Word is one of the most widely used word processing software. You have the option of changing a word, phrase, or entire text to uppercase with just two keystrokes.
Before that, it is very important to make some adjustments, otherwise, it will not work! To do this, click on File, then option (bottom left), then verification. Uncheck the box “Ignore words in CAPITALS” and check “Accented capitals in French”.
While selecting the phrase you want to capitalize, do: SHIFT + F3 (the arrow above your CTRL key)
For example, you can pass the sentence: “in Paris, where he was currently, he decided to annoy yet another Republican Guard”
Here’s how to capitalize with the accent on the keyboard in Word, without bothering with shortcuts. This can save you a lot of time.
Are shortcuts not working with your keyboard? We recommend a Logitech Keyboard.